I've seen a lot of 'What's in my handbag' vlogs on YouTube, now while I'm good with words I'm not so good on camera - I guess it's one of those areas I need to build confidence in, anyway, back to the point, I thought I'd do a written a version for my spring handbag. So, I have just got a new bag, my last one was taking a bit of a battering, so it was time for a change. Coming in to spring you'd think I'd go for something light, bright etc. but well I'm practical a lot of the time. I didn't want to spend a great deal on a new bag, I wanted to keep the price below £20, so I decided to look at some of the sales which are still ongoing. Now, just because I was looking in the sales doesn't mean there wasn't an array of choice and colours, but as I said practicality comes in to it. I'm not just a blogger and I'm not just a novelist, I also have a Monday to Friday job as a PA. So, my bag needs to be many things, Dura...
Follow my journey, Independent author; Movie fan, dog lover, Home design junkie. Experimenting in beauty & fashion. Making my way one page at a time.