If you're like me, it may have taken you a while to figure out your signature style with a few missteps along the way. When I was a child I didn't really go in too much clothes, make up on the other hand was a staple from a young age a tool to hide behind. In a way make up is still a mask for me, but not in the sense of hiding myself any longer I use make up to find the best version of myself. The same goes for my clothes, it took a long time for me to become comfortable in my own skin and therefore comfortable in the clothes I wanted to wear and to become comfortable with what suits me. I'm now thirty something, so the experimental clothing of my early twenties is over. I've changed my look several times over from the colour and style of my hair I've been brunette, red head and blond. I've adjusted my makeup from the influence of my youth the colours of the 80's when I was first learning to put on make up - I remember a lot of blue eyes...
Follow my journey, Independent author; Movie fan, dog lover, Home design junkie. Experimenting in beauty & fashion. Making my way one page at a time.