It's finally here, the nights are drawing in, the temperature is starting to drop and it's time to say goodbye to my barely there summer duvet and welcome back my thick, heavy, cuddly winter duvet. Only, the last couple of winters, the synthetic duvet just hasn't cut it, don't get me wrong, it's been okay. As a 15tog rating it kept me warm on cold nights and it felt like a winter quilt only there was an element of comfort and luxury missing. When I write novels I see them as movies in my head and I always imagine the settings and rooms as though they are places I can open a door and walk in to. The character I'm writing at the moment has quite a luxury lifestyle, don't hate her she's lovely I promise, but there are a few scenes in her bedroom and I was imagining how her room would look and I was obsessed with her bed being comfortably luxurious, the kind if you jumped on it you'd disappear swallowed but the depth and thickness of the duvet. If...
Follow my journey, Independent author; Movie fan, dog lover, Home design junkie. Experimenting in beauty & fashion. Making my way one page at a time.